Env-QA: A Video Question Answering Benchmark for Comprehensive Understanding of Dynamic Environments


Visual understanding goes well beyond the study of images or videos on the web. Env-QA is a new video QA dataset to evaluate the ability of understanding the composition, layout, and state changes of the environment presented by the events in videos.


  • 23.3K videos collected in AI2-THOR simulator
  • 85.1K questions
  • Rich additional annotations, e.g., instance segmentation, depth image, and environment meta data.


  • Videos: Download env-qa_video.zip and env-qa_video.z01 to *.z07. Then, in windows, you can directly unzip env-qa_video.zip to obtain 4.7K long videos; or in Ubuntu, you may need to first merge them into one zip file by command "zip -F env-qa_video.zip --out env-qa_video-merged.zip" (directly use unzip command may cause errors here), then unzip the merged file. We futhur split part of them to generate in a total of 23.3K videos. The video split results are recorded in env_qa_video_annotation_v1.json .

  • Questions: We also privide diverse questions in env_qa-questions.zip.

  • Video features: We use Faster-RCNN fine-tuned on the AI2-THOR images to extracted object features of each frame. You can download the env_qa_objects.h5 to get the features.

  • For downloading our dataset, you should use your institutional email address to send an email to Prof. Ruiping Wang and Dr. Difei Gao to state your specific research purpose. When we receive your email, we will provide the download link to you.


Every answer in Env-QA can be mapped into the role-value format. Then, the accuracy of the predicted answer can be calculated as an IoU-like score of the predicted values and the ground-truth values. Our evaluation code is at https://github.com/maybelu9/env-qa.


The Env-QA dataset is released for research purpose only. By using the Env-QA dataset, you are recommended to refer to the following paper:

  title={Env-QA: A Video Question Answering Benchmark for Comprehensive Understanding of Dynamic Environments,
  author={Gao, Difei and Wang, Ruiping and Bai, Ziyi and Chen, Xilin},
  journal={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
  pages = {1675-1685}


  • Ruiping Wang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Difei Gao, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences